
Posts Tagged ‘national network of pet detectives’

We’ve all seen the signs posted at busy intersections.  “Lost dog”, “Reward”, “Have you seen Buddy?”.  It’s heartbreaking to think of someone’s beloved dog lost and frightened, possibly in harm’s way. I can imagine the anguish that the pet’s owner is going through. Posting signs and calling the local shelters are the first steps that most people will take, but is there anything more that can be done?

The Missing Pet Partnership can provide help. MPP is a national, nonprofit organization that can help owners find their lost companion animals.  Founded by Kat Albrecht, a former police officer and crime scene investigator and a pioneer in the proper application of search dogs for lost pet investigations. The MPP also manages the first-ever pet detective academy, training and certifying Missing Animal Response Technicians and search dogs to track lost pets.

While some animal advocates like myself have created a business as a means to generate donations to help animals in need, others like The Missing Pet Partnership are are working and volunteering in neighborhoods across the country to reunite people and their pets, making a difference to the numbers of dogs winding up in shelters, but most importantly, producing positive results with very happy endings.

The Missing Pet Partnership’s website lists the National Network of Pet Detectives across the United States.  Anyone interested in finding out if their dog might make a good pet detective can contact partnership members in their area. Good candidates must then be tested for certification as a MAR (missing animal response) dog. There are different techniques involved when looking for lost dogs and cats. MAR certified dogs can become MAR Cat Detection dogs, MAR Trailing dogs, or MAR Dual Purpose dogs.

Volunteers are also needed as “mobile billboards”, which simply means placing a message on your car’s rear window to help spread the word about missing pets.

The Missing Pet Partnership’s lost pet search is a fee-based service, but their website has lots of free information that can provide you with tips on finding your lost pet as well as information on training events and volunteering.

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