
Posts Tagged ‘Animal Welfare Charities’

I got an email yesterday from a friend on mine in Australia alerting me to bill in Brazil that is seeking to revise the current law by decriminalising cruelty to domestic or domesticated animals.

My first thoughts were ‘how can anything I do here in the USA possibly have an effect on Brazilian law?’ And then I remembered this quote from Margaret Mead: “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

I didn’t start my company Tiny Growl to try to get rich by selling a unique dog walking accessory. I’m selling my pet accessory primarily as a way to make money to donate to animal charities.

However, it hasn’t been easy trying to convince people that I’ve invented a better way to pick up dog poop, even when they understand my mission. But, I have learned that this business of mine can also be a means to educate and to make a difference by getting other people to become a voice for animals.

So, today I ask you to take a minute to click on THIS LINK to join the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in protesting this bill. Brazil currently has just one law making animal cruelty a crime, and the passing of this bill would set back animal welfare in this country by decades. Anyone in Brazil abusing a domestic animal (such as cats, dogs, horses etc) would face no consequences.

You may wonder if there is any point in taking time out of your day to send yet another email off into the cloud, hoping that it makes a difference. But I believe it never hurts to try, especially when you realize that you do indeed belong to that small group of thoughtful people who want to change the world.

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